Appliance Repairs
Do you have an appliance that does not work any more? Are you wondering if it is worth getting it fixed? These days, (although it is sad to admit), we are living in a throw-away society, where appliances are not always ‘made to last’.
Sometimes an appliance is worth fixing, and at other times, it can be advisable to purchase a new item, and perhaps even invest in an extended warranty. Contact us to discuss and we will happily assess your issue and offer some advice.
Test and Tags
Do you have tools or appliances that need to be periodically checked and marked? We can organize a site visit and/or a periodic reminder to get them done when they’re due, and help to keep you on track with your safety obligations. Discounts can be offered for regular test and tagging, or when you have more than 5 items to be checked. Contact us today.