Servicing your electrical equipment
Certain electrical appliances will need servicing from time to time. Here's an idea on how regularly your electrical equipment should be serviced:
Hot Water System:
Should be serviced every 5 years. Your Hot Water System has a magnesium anode inside the tank to avoid the corrosion of your tank. This anode should be change every 5 years to protect your HWS and make it last longer.
Solar System:
Should be serviced every 1 year by having the panels cleaned, and a general check-up. It's a really good idea to remember to do this while your system is still under warranty, as usually any issues with the system will be partly or entirely covered by your warranty. If you have any doubts about your solar system, call us today for a check-up.
Fire alarm:
Once a year the batteries should be changed to avoid the risk of flat batteries during an emergency. Often nowadays, modern alarm systems have a built-in alarm system to alert you when the batteries are running low, however it is good to be safe. You can put the old batteries into a remote control to finish them up.
Safety Device (RCD)
Go to TIPS "Look after your safety" and check how to make sure you and your family are protected.