Look after your safety and protect your appliances:
Check your safety switch (RCD): after turning off your tv, computer, and all other running appliances, go to your switch board and press on the test button once every 3 months. If the RCD does not trip straight away that means it is faulty, and doesn't protect you or your home anymore. You should contact us immediately.
How to Test your Safety Switch:
Every 3 months, you should check and test that your Safety Device (RCD) located in switch board enclosure, is still working properly.
Turn off all your energized and running appliances.
Warning: the Safety Device (RCD) should be partially enclosed, leaving access to the button or Switch only, you should never see an active electrical part for this operation)
Press onto the Test button built on it, to trip the switch mechanism.
From here there are 2 Options:
Option 1: The switch mechanism has tripped (off Position), you have lost power in your circuit (power points and/or lights) - your RCD is working, you can flick the Switch back to the ON position, and repeat the operation to the next one until you have done them all.
Option 2: Nothing happens. OOPS! You have a faulty RCD and that means your place is now not electrically protected if there is a fault in the circuit, which can result in an electrical shock. Contact us and get it fixed ASAP.
Surge Protector
Make sure you have a SURGE PROTECTOR installed in your switch board to protect all electronic components of your appliances. If not, contact us for a quote. One lightning strike close to your place can damage and kill all the appliances that have electronics inside of them, and even if you have a good insurance policy, you will still have to pay some excess most of the time. A surge-protector will automatically direct the surplus of energy to the earthing system and will save your appliances from being damaged.
Electrical Hot Water System
Check your safety valve on your electrical hot water system (HWS) every 6 month by lifting the lever. WARNING do not let the hot water touch you or others. It is recomended to wear safety gloves and eye-protection. If the valve doesn't fully turn back off the flow of water, it can mean that the valve is clogged and doesn't protect your HWS anymore. You should contact us immediately to have this repaired.